Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Rob-mas!!

Here's a slightly early Christmas present for you all (considering we still have 2 hours here on the West Coast until Santa arrives with all of his presents) :) MTV Hollywood Crush made this cute Elf Yourself video with Zac Efron, Ian Somerhalder, Cory Monteith, Alexander Skarsgard and Robert Pattinson. I don't really care about Zefron, I have no clue who Ian Somerhalder and Cory Monteith are... I'm happy with just Rob and Alexander!! Enjoy :)

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night...
filled with hot Rob sex dreams!! :)


Friday, December 18, 2009

A small glass of water in the middle of this drought

It's really been a rough week and a half. Both literally and "web-rally." [Yes, I just made that word up. It's my blog, I'm allowed to do that.]

Let me explain.

I don't know if it's because these are the last few days leading up to Christmas... which might explain why I've had piles upon piles of work on my desk throughout the whole day, every day for the last few days. Then, to top it all off, I just now [literally 2 minutes ago, I kid you not] found out that the company where I interviewed for a potential job a few weeks ago was put on a hiring freeze... which means not only did I not get the job but NO ONE got the job. This job was at a better company with significantly better pay than what I make now, so, yeah, I'm pretty bummed out. I was referred by my roommate [she currently works at this company] and she kept telling me that she was 99.95% sure I had it in the bag. Of course she couldn't foresee that they would decide to put the company in a hiring freeze. So, that little bit of news pretty much blows. Not like a hard blow, but it still blows.

Just to add insult to injury, on top me just finding out about not getting the job and my workload being ball-bustingly busy for the last several days, my one refuge every night after I get home from work has been frustratingly absent. I'm referring to my nightly ritual of reading about and looking at new photos of one Mr. Robert T. Pattinson. What was once a bulging levy just a mere weeks ago--a levy filled to the brim daily with new photos and news and interview video clips from the New Moon promotional tour back in November... or even way back in the summer when Rob was filming 'Remember Me' when we were flooded daily with many photos from the set... well, that levy that was once bursting at the seams has seemingly dried up. Which brings me to my invented word: "web-rally." It's been "web-rally" rough the last several days.

But that all changed. That faucet was turned on today... but only to just a small trickle.

Today's photo and news can hardly be considered anything close to New Moon Promotional Tour flooding or "Quick! Let's build us a Noah's Ark!" proportions. But it was a trickle. And after almost 2 weeks suffering from extreme thirst during the Rob Drought, I'll take that trickling faucet to fill up my glass and greedily gulp it down.

'Lo and behold the first new photo in more than a week that we were blessed with today:

Never before have I wanted to be a guitar in my entire life... until now. 
If I was that guitar, he could play with me with those fingers of his. UHHHHHHHH.... 

His fingers!! That stare!! His scruffy Beardward-beard!! 

*gulps down the glass of water, followed by a giant sigh of relief*

There, don't we feel better now? I know I do.

So the story behind this photo goes like this:

Lainey Gossip reported today that Robert Pattinson was seen at Norman's Rare Guitars yesterday. The above photo was found on their website. Yesterday Robsessed reported that Southern California's 99.5 KLOS Mark & Brian Christmas Show is auctioning off a Fender Telecaster signed by Rob to benefit The Midnight Mission, a charity that provides basic necessities for the homeless, including counseling, education, training and job placement. A great prize from a very deserving charity and cause.

Isn't it pretty?? It's even prettier with Rob's John HanCOCK [heh, heh, heh].

I've always had a thing for guitars. I've always wanted to buy a guitar and find someone to give me lessons on how to play it. Maybe an insanely high bidder could also get lessons from Rob thrown in with the guitar... *GASP!!!* [I'm a big dreamer. Go big or go home, I always say.]

If only I had the extra money to bid on this guitar... FYI, the starting bid on this guitar is $1,800. Extra money I don't and probably won't have anytime soon. *hmmpf!!* :(

Oh! to be wealthy and have an extra $1,800+ just lying around, just mere pocket change... Although if I could afford to bid on and win this guitar, I couldn't disclose to you everything I'd do with this guitar. I'd play with it, and then I'd play with it... if you catch my drift. ;)

*sigh* I do feel better. Not "Julie Andrews singing and twirling in a meadow on top of a mountain" better... more like "I've had a couple vodka-crans and now I'm feeling happier" better. And everyone knows that a couple vodka-crans makes the night just that much better.

Well, back to work tomorrow. The thought that will drive me through the next 3 work days is that by this time next week it will be Christmas Day and I will be with my family in San Diego. And that's something I can most definitely look forward to.


PS--This is random but I wanted to share. Earlier tonight I learned a new word to describe myself: "Robtarded." Which describes me perfectly. I also learned the word "fuckhawtness." This word is used to describe Rob. Which describes him perfectly.

Now I'll use both words in a sentence: "I was rendered completely Robtarded when I beheld today's new photo of Rob holding a guitar. Both the guitar and Rob oozed fuckhawtness which permeated from my computer monitor."

Oooh, I'm good.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 is my... well, crack

Here's an interesting little piece of info about me: besides my obvious addiction & devotion to Robert Pattinson, I am completely addicted to Cracked. No, no, no. Not crack as in what Whitney Houston was referring to when she exclaimed "Crack is whack!" I'm referring to, a website that describes itself as "America's Only Humor and Video Site, Since 1958." Which is a little confusing since, while the internet has been around for quite a few years, it hasn't been around that long... however there is some truth behind that tagline.

If you're unfamiliar with here's an excerpt from the 'Cracked' Wikipedia page:

Cracked is an American comedy website, and was originally a humor magazine. Founded in 1958, Cracked proved to be the most durable imitator of the popular Mad Magazine.
Cracked's publication frequency was reduced in the 1990s, and was erratic in the 2000s. In 2006, the magazine was revived with a new editorial formula that represented a significant departure from its prior Mad Magazine style. The new format was more akin to "lad" magazines like Maxim and FHM. The new formula, however, was unsuccessful and Cracked again canceled its print magazine in February 2007 after three issues. As of 2009, the brand exists solely as a Web site.

Since is generally considered the authority on pretty much anything in existence, we know that was originally essentially a humor magazine, now upgraded to a website... which is basically the same thing as a humor magazine... without all the muss and fuss of being printed on actual paper.

The following excerpt is straight from Wikipedia because it's already written out and I'm too lazy to paraphrase.

The Cracked site is best known for its humorous lists and compilations, for example, "The 9 Most Obnoxious Memes to Ever Escape the Web" or "The 6 Most Insane Game Shows From Around the World." The Cracked site also includes a blog, videos, forums, a writer's workshop, a weekly Photoshop contest, and a daily "Craptions" contest where users caption odd photographs. The site includes columns by Sean "Seanbaby" Reiley, Dan O'Brien, Robert Brockway, Cody Johnston, Chris Bucholz, host and writer of the web series "Hate By Numbers" Wayne Gladstone, and head writer and performer of the sketch comedy group "Those Aren't Muskets!" Michael Swaim.

And now we've come to the point of this blog entry. (Yes, I have a point. Shocking, I know.) I previously stated that I am a self-proclaimed Cracked Addict, as I pointed out earlier I visit daily to read the new articles and humorous lists. Monday marked the return of an old favorite of mine: CrackedTV, hosted by Michael Swaim. Swaim and CrackedTV was on short hiatus due to Swaim's and Dan O'Brien's (henceforth "DOB") own spin-off series "Agents of Cracked." I highly recommend "Agents of Cracked" (henceforth "AOC"), you can check out the entire series here. I dare you to not become completely and utterly addicted to the series. Luckily for you Swaim and DOB have completed the entire AOC series and you can watch them all today in one sitting. I, on the other hand, was one of the unlucky fools who waited for every new weekday, salivating for the newest AOC episode. The episodes premiered, fans like me laughed and cried... and now AOC fans (including me) are demanding a second season. From the looks of the AOC facebook page where an online petition was started, that dream may become a reality. (Become a fan of AOC on facebook dammit, and while you're at it sign the petition.)

Anywho, Episode 24 of CrackedTV is Swaim's best episode yet, entitled "6 Oddly Specific (And Extensive) Online Collections of WTF." One of the awesome benefits of having a blog is that I can embed the video directly here (which I've done), so I won't give too much away. I'll just tell you that I was laughing so hard at #2 that tears were streaming down my face. #1 and Swaim's re-enactment of #1 also had me in giggling fits.

6 Oddly Specific (And Extensive) Online Collections of WTF -- powered by

Swaim has to be one of my top 2 favorite columnists on, the other being DOB, the Assistant Editor on Every Friday DOB posts a new column, and, I guess he didn't want to be out-done by his no-holds barred partner Swaim, last week DOB posted his best column yet (in this Cracked Addict's humble opinion). Entitled Jersey Shore: Worst Thing to Happen to East Coast Since 9/11 which chronicles the new MTV show 'Jersey Shore,' which I liken to a trainwreck and a half. I myself have never watched the show, I've only seen the horrifying preview commercials and which always results in me groaning in agony for the state of our country. Luckily for me, in this column DOB has done all the work in watching the first 2 weeks of that terrible show and he catches his readers up to where 'Jersey Shore' finds itself currently. You'd better believe you should click on the link to DOB's article. If you don't, you're surely missing out on some of the funniest shit you'll have read in a long time.

Here's an excerpt (my favorite part from the column):

Sammi’s probably the most controversial person on the show. In the first week alone, it seemed like Sweetheart and the Situation were sweethearts, and a romantic situation seemed to be developing, but then Sweetheart decided to complicate Situation’s situation by starting anew situation with Ronnie, Sweetheart’s allegedly preferred sweetheart. When the Situation found out, the situation started to spin out of control, when The Situation started spinning out of control. The Situation stormed off, presumably, to take his mind off the situation by watching CNN’s The Situation Room alone in The Situation’s room. Meanwhile, Ronnie, Sweetheart’s sweetheart, and Sweetheart sat in the kitchen eating (in a perfect world) sweet tarts. [It's pretty simple, really, in a buffalo sort of way.]

So, next time you're looking for a way to further waste time online but you're tired of checking Hulu for the umpteenth time and Fark has no new snarky headlines to make you laugh... and even your good ol' standby LOLcats has no new cat memes for you to chuckle at and eye cuddle, check out I'll bet you 100 bucks you can't spend less than 2 hours exploring the site, reading the articles and watching the videos. I'll make a fellow Cracked Addict out of you yet, my friend.


PS--DOB has his own blog, which I have listed in my "Blogs I Follow" section on the right-hand side of this page. His blog is called Bartender and he describes it as a place "used to strictly hold my stupid online novel, 'Bartender,' but now it'll function as more of a personal side-blog." His online novel "Bartender" is "still up and free and grammatically offensive," as DOB describes it. I've read a couple chapters and it is offensive... just the way I likes it. Take a peek at his blog and, maybe after I make you a Cracked Addict, I'll make a DOB fan out of you, too.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


(This one is the new background on my iMac!)

A few of my photos from Holiday Havoc '09 - Night 2 featuring Muse at The Joint inside The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV.

So, what did you do with your Saturday night?? ;)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hot-Button Topic for Debate

This is a hot-button topic that people everywhere, everyday ask themselves and heatedly debate:

Is Robert Pattinson more like a vampire or a werewolf?  

Mini Rant: And I'm talking Robert Pattinson the actor or real person, not Edward Cullen the vampire... I know I shouldn't have to make the distinction but some fangirls think Rob is Edward. Which is faaaar from the truth. Rob in real life ≠ Edward, ever.

Well, a French website ( decided to end the agonizing debate and ask the man himself a few questions to determine whether he is more like a vampire or a werewolf. The results may surprise you... or not if you're a true Robsessed fan. "How often do you shave?" I mean, come on! Can we say "obvs"?? We Robsessed know Rob's daily hygiene habits... Scruffy Rob = YUM-MAY. I'm just saying. (I'm done mini-ranting.)

The frozen screen image is priceless. Rob's facial expressions FTW.

Here are the translated questions/captions:

"How many times a week do you shave?
How many times a day do you watch yourself in the mirror?
In the sun, do you get tanned or burned?
Do you like singing under the moon?
With meat, wine or water?

Conclusion: he is more like a werewolf!"

With that "startling" result, I give you... Beardy Rob! (aka Beardward Cullen)

He looks pretty wolfy to me... I'd "sing under the moon" with you anytime Rob! AAOOOOOOoooooo! (that's a howl) :)

If I worked for the agency who does the MasterCard commercials... proposed new commercial would go something like this:

I wonder how that pitch meeting would go? Would I be successful? Would the big wigs at MasterCard see the potential of signing Rob to appear in their new commercials, therefore tapping into the Robert Pattinson Fame Juggernaut? I mean, look at how wildly successful 'New Moon' is these days. I think it's safe to say and you can bet your ass that 98% of that success can be attributed back to Robert Pattinson, the man. In a word: he is unstoppable! Just think if he was the spokesman/face of MasterCard (much like my proposal for Rob to become the spokesman/model/face for Ray-Bans in this discussion back in June on the Rob group facebook fan page that I admin. I mean, DUH that one is TOTALLY obvious!!)

The ad on the left was designed by me (SadieV) as an imitation of the Ray-Bans Colorize ad on the right. (No copyright infringement to Ray-Bans is intended.)

(RO post found on on sister (or would it be brother?) blog Posted by... oh wait, that's me!! ;) And if you're not yet a follower of RO... then GASP!! Get on it, stat!!

xoxo & g'night my lovelies,

PS--And now for something *completely different.* This will help me with my insomnia:

Artsy-weird photo of Rob. Is it wrong that I'm kinda turned on by this?

Friday, December 11, 2009

This is a little late but... I've got to share the 'Remember Me' HD trailer

I'm posting this because I keep watching it every day since the day it premiered. Over and over and over and over again. (and over........)

I've read in many places that 'Remember Me' will be the movie where Rob will prove that he's more than just "that pretty boy Twilight guy." And, from the looks of his performance from this trailer, and the caliber of actors that appear with him in the movie, I've got to agree with that that... this movie will show all those doubters and haters what we Robsessed already know: that Robert Pattinson is a good actor[Of course, I am a bit biased on this subject.] :)

The line for Reformed Rob Haters (aka New Robsessed--Ha!) starts at movie theaters in 90 days and counting!! (March 12, 2010)

For us Robsessed, March 12 will bring us the movie that spoiled us with daily Rob photos from the 'Remember Me' set in NYC. I know for me those photos really amped up my Robsession/addiction to new heights. When the daily photos stopped after the movie wrapped, I had to go to...wait for it... ROB-HAB!! (ha! get it??...yeah I know, bad joke.) ;)

We were spoiled with photos like these: 

*swoon*....*sigh*...OMG his Ray-Bans!!...

He wore his suit AND his Ray-Bans?? I swear, he's going to kill me one day with his FACE. 
("He can't help it, it's just his face."-My roommate)


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A New Year (almost)... That means it's time for a New Calendar!...

...AKA 16-months of Uber-Hotness, courtesy of Robert Pattinson.

So a few weeks back my roommate and I were at Target which, if you knew us personally, you'd know that we believe that Target is our personal Mecca. We venture to Target proooobably once or twice a week at least, and it's like our thing--as in, we usually always go to Target together.  Solo Target excursions are not preferred for my roomie and I, but sometimes extenuating circumstances provide that we must venture out alone into the wilds and trek across many miles to our local Target to buy that must-needed item immediately (for example, my solo excursion to Target during my lunch break today to buy the Blu-Ray combo pack of 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'). Otherwise we always go to Target together and we always end up spending hours and hours wandering up and down the wonderous Target aisles.

Anyway, back to our outing to Target a few weeks back from the opening of this blog post. One of our favorite sections at Target is the DVD/CD/Books section. Boy, does that section rawk, and for many reasons. Discounted DVDs and CDs, newly released books... I can't tell you how many times I've flipped through first the 'Twilight: Director's Notebook' and now the 'New Moon Movie Companion' in the book section.

You can usually find me looking completely enthralled 
while flipping through one of these books at Target.

The Target Outing Day in question I was making my way to the 'New Moon Movie Companion' book (I believe it was newly released and I had only seen scans of the pages online... which meant I had to see the photo pages myself, with my own eyes). Suddenly, while passing the calendar section, something caught my eye. My Beloved's face. Specifically, THIS:


I'll admit it: at that moment the usually impenetrable wall around my Twi-ness and Robsession broke down. An excited, urgent noise escaped my throat and out my lips: GASP!!!! (as my roomie and I call it 'The Gay Gasp' and we mean it in the least offensive way possible.) Loud, exaggerated and it perfectly illustrated how I felt about finding this Calendar of Perfection.

Now, I must tell you that usually I don't fall for this "Rob-related" merchandise that basically uses his beautiful, perfect face to make a quick buck (i.e. the trashy 'Robsessed' DVD, completely full of tabloid-happy pictures of Rob). But this was different. I mean, I use and look at my current calendar everyday.... plus I kind of felt like I should pay $10.99 to the company that provided Rob's fans of this spectacular calendar as a thank you. That's the justification I told myself that day, anyway.

Needless to say it went in the cart immediately. I concocted a story about "buying this calendar for my little sister for her birthday" in case I ran into anyone I knew or was questioned about the calendar. (I'm an only child, btw.) I was never questioned, I paid for my Calendar of Perfection and it was stored in my desk for the last few weeks.

Until tonight. I currently have my 'Dark Knight 2009 Calendar' on my wall beside my computer. And I realize we're still not even half-way through December yet. My 'DK 09 Cal' for December brought me a menacing photo of The Joker (whom I love because I love Heath Ledger's Joker--I have 3 Joker posters lining one wall in my bedroom). I should really be worrying about finishing my Christmas shopping than agonizing whether I should keep one calendar up until January or prematurely putting up another calendar because I'm just so completely excited for my new calendar.

With pictures like these for every month, can you blame me for being excited??

So my question is this. Do I leave Joker up until January 1st? Or do I put up The Calendar of Perfection now on the first page (which previews the last 4 months of 2009)?

Joker or Robert? I can't choose since I love both enormously for different reasons.

Calendar Confused,

PS--Did you see the Robert picture for my birthday month (January)?  I get a photo of Rob in Cannes AND he's wearing his Ray-Bans ALL MONTH LONG?? JUST LOOK AT HIS EYELASHES, DAMMIT!!!

Happy Birthday Sadie.

*puts back of palm to forehead* GASP!! His jaw!! His hair!! His neck!! *swoons then faints*

Monday, December 7, 2009

I won something Twi-related!!

I'm a pretty faithful follower to I visit the blog everyday for any new Rob news, photos, whatever. And a good thing about Gozde (the fantabulous Robsessed leader of the blog) is that she doesn't post ANY pap shots. Gotta love that.

Anyway, a few weeks ago (before the premiere of New Moon), Gozde announced a last chance to enter their Fandango New Moon Gift Card Giveaway. Since I was completely retarded and somehow had missed anything to do with this giveaway (not sure how, like I said I follow ROBsessed RELIGIOUSLY) I entered right away. I didn't think I had a chance at winning, seeing that I totally tarded out and entered at the last minute. But fate smiled down upon me. 'Last chance??' Fate said while laughing. Apparently Fate thought it was my lucky day. 

On Nov 25th, I got an email from Gozde congratulating me. She let me know that I won a $25 New Moon gift card and all I needed to do was tell her which design I fancied. She pointed me to this blog entry on ROBsessed, where I could find the designs I could choose one from. (Also, if you clicked on that link, you'll see my real name posted there... betcha can't guess which one is my real name...and if you already DO know me (AuroraV) then please keep my real identity a secret!) ;)

I was totally beside myself that I won... but then this led to me obsessing over which design I wanted. Robward or the Cullen Clan. Because I love EVERYTHING to do with New Moon (photos, designs)... specifically, I love anything that features a picture of Robward Cullenson. 

This was hard. I was in a pickle!! - Anchorman reference

I debated back and forth. I consulted my closest Twi-friend AuroraV (she's my best friend, too, even without Twilight ;) She gave me wise words of advice: "You can't go wrong with Robward." True, I told her. Robward is always my #1 choice. Then I remembered how Robward's look in New Moon was kind of grandfatherly. I mean, I get they were trying to make Robward look more adult, more "109-year-old trapped in a 17 year old's body" kind of thing. Robward had gotten the girl and now he could dress the way he wanted... or something.... Either that or Catherine Hardwicke really tried to accentuate Robward's 17-year-old-ness while Chris Weitz wanted to accentuate his 109-year-old-ness... am I close? Whatever the case, Robward was looking very "Grandpa Robward" on his solo Fandango gift card.

Then I spotted it. On the Cullen Clan card. Robward's hand was protectively holding Bella to him, his eyes smoldering. (I'll let you all in on a little secret: Rob's hands completely do me in. There's this blog label we have at Rob Overload called "Hand Porn." Let's just say that I'm a big fan of the "Hand Porn" label when describing the photo of Rob on 

So it was Robward's protective hand on Bella's back that made the decision for me.

Long story... well shit, I didn't really make my story short, did I? .......I got my gift card on Saturday. And I squeed with excitement by myself in my room, privately (my roommates don't need to see my crazy).

 Here's me with my Fandango gift card that I won from ROBsessed. 
I'm pointing at Robward's glorious hand which won me over.

Oh yes, rest assured: I already have BIG PLANS for my free $25 Fandango New Moon gift card. BIG PLANS.

(And by 'big plans' I mean that I'm going use it to buy a movie ticket to New Moon. Shocking, I know. And since Fandango is an online movie ticket establishment, my closet Twi-fandom will remain secret and safe.)


PS--I'll leave you with this newly released photo which COULD BE photographic evidence that Robert Pattinson is completely angelic. (SPOILER: He is.) 

(Thanks to ROBsessed for sharing this photo today... 
is there anything Gozde and the ROBsessed blog CAN'T do??) ;)

Let's join together and fight back - Leave Robert Pattinson Alone, Paps!!

So one of the many Twi-related sites I have recently started visiting is the Twitarded blog which is run by 2 lovely ladies who have a cool backstory: they're 2 over-30's chicks who are obsessed with Twilight and Rob (they call him 'The Precious' which I think is completely hilarious). One of the reasons I keep coming back and became a follower to Twitarded is that in a sidebar on their blog they have this welcoming message:


Seeing that I am about to turn 27 next month (is that even possible??) and most people who I DO let in on my Twi-fandom secret look at me funny and say "aren't you a little old for that?" ...well, let's just say I feel pretty welcome to Twitarded and I think I've found "my peeps" in Jenny Jerkface and Snarkier Than You. Love you gals!! :)
ANYWAY (I told you I'd ramble a lot here, hopefully I'll remedy that after a few more blog posts under my preverbal belt) point is that this afternoon on Twitarded, Snarkier Than You posted a blog entitled Twidom To The Paparazzi: Leave Robert Pattinson Alone! I've always been an avid hater of 'paps,' especially to My Beloved (Rob) and I avoid all pap shots of ANY celebrity, let alone pap shots of Rob. So conversely I had no clue why there was a renewed hatred, nor did I know of this new campaign against the paps. (Side note: I previously became a member of the "Respect Me!" campaign against paps and stalking fans for Rob back when he was filming 'Remember Me' in NYC and I'm also a member of Project F.L.A.N.S. (Fangirl Leaders Against Needless Stalking.))

So I found out about these latest "photographs." I'm using quotes around "photographs" because these disgusting paps don't have any right taking these fucking "photos" or calling themselves fucking "photographers." They are not. They are "paps"--and, yes, I am comparing these parasites to the annual medical procedure that all us women must endure... we lay down, feet in stirrups and basically get probed and prodded up our snatches. That's how paps make me--and I'll venture to say all of us fangirls-- feel. 

No, I did not look at these "photos" nor do I ever want to. I would only be perpetuating the disgusting machine that drives paps to these ridiculous levels. I did read of a description of the "photos" over at the blog Sanity Not Included (a favorite blog of mine, check Vanessa's blog out on my side bar to the right).

"The paps cornered him up against a fucking WALL, he had his hat purposely shielding his eyes/face, his friends (Brit Pack members Marcus Foster and Bobby Long) trying to clear a path to just walk to the goddamn taxi, and still the assholes would not relent."

Completely disgusting.

So Snarkier Than You's post on Twitarded directed me to Thinking of Rob where I could find the campaign headquarters, as it were. Thinking of Rob is letting anyone and everyone submit their own photos of their best "FUCK YOU PAPS" pose to show the world (and Rob) that his fans are completely against the paps invading his personal privacy.

Here are my 2 entries, which I entered with my twitter account name @SadieVincent1:

(The kitty shot is an old photo I snapped a couple years back of my kitty Cali who just happened to put her paws up over her face when I was taking her photo. I think it fits this campaign PERFECTLY.)

I'd rather see HappyRob in professional photoshoots and movie promotional shots than UnhappyandDisrespectedRob in disgusting pap shots. I can live a happy, fulfilling life if I never have to see any pap shots of Rob. I can totally live with HappyRob in photos that he approves of and WANTS to share with his fans. If he can live with that, I can live with that. And so can you.

So take a minute. Snap a shot of yourself blocking your face just like Rob had to do Friday night. Email your photo to with your twitter account. Let's join together and show the paps, Hollywood and Rob that he has fans out there who will not put up with this shit and that we don't support this ridiculous and disgusting pap behavior, EVER. 


Sunday, December 6, 2009

My First Blog and Blog Post! Squeeeee!!

So if you're reading this, you've stumbled onto my little blog one of two ways:

1) You followed a link that I posted somewhere out in the world wide web of sites


B) Somehow you googled the words "den" and/or "sin" and/or the name "Sadie." (If you did this one then, whew! Talk about a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of putting those words together and finding EXACTLY what you were looking for online!! Kudos!!)

However you got here, I would like to say "Welcome friend!" Welcome to my new blog of what will surely be a bunch of my ramblings and photos of Robert Pattinson (that will happen a lot here, I guarantee it) and what will certainly become clear: my insanity. I'm kidding of course. I'm only mildly insane...and I suffer from the 'fun insanity,' meaning that I'm obsessed over certain things and my obsessions can reach levels of insanity (i.e. Robert Pattinson AKA My Beloved) :)

Here's a little background on the meaning of "Den of Sin." Recently I've been thinking of starting my own blog, just something simple and silly to pass the obscene amount of time that I waste online. Meanwhile, I am a contributor to the blog Rob Overload (which is essentially a blog run by 6 of us ladies who lust after Robert Pattinson by posting a hot photo of Rob with an accompanying caption. That's it. Pretty simple, but pretty AWESOME). And today on I posted an old photo of Rob where he is biting a photo of himself (eek!) on which he has written "You are welcome to my den of sin..................." (You can find it here: YUM; also see the 'shopped photo in my header--yes, I changed the name in the photo to my own ;) ). After squeeing a bit over this photo and Rob's total hotness, I thought to myself "Huh. Den of Sin. That's pretty catchy." So I took that idea and made it into a title for my blog: "Sadie's Den of Sin." And the rest, as they say is history... or it will be history seeing that this is my very first blog post. :)

If you decide to stick around--and, please do, I'm fun--I guarantee that I'll try my damnedest to make you laugh and provide you with hot photos of Rob. And even if I don't, rest assured I'll be laughing. At my random posts. And my lame jokes.

Thank you for reading, stay a while and let's have some fun!


PS--Let me start off my first blog entry with a Robsessed BANG :)