If you're unfamiliar with Cracked.com here's an excerpt from the 'Cracked' Wikipedia page:
Cracked is an American comedy website, and was originally a humor magazine. Founded in 1958, Cracked proved to be the most durable imitator of the popular Mad Magazine.
Cracked's publication frequency was reduced in the 1990s, and was erratic in the 2000s. In 2006, the magazine was revived with a new editorial formula that represented a significant departure from its prior Mad Magazine style. The new format was more akin to "lad" magazines like Maxim and FHM. The new formula, however, was unsuccessful and Cracked again canceled its print magazine in February 2007 after three issues. As of 2009, the brand exists solely as a Web site.
Since Wikipedia.org is generally considered the authority on pretty much anything in existence, we know that Cracked.com was originally essentially a humor magazine, now upgraded to a website... which is basically the same thing as a humor magazine... without all the muss and fuss of being printed on actual paper.
The following excerpt is straight from Wikipedia because it's already written out and I'm too lazy to paraphrase.
The Cracked site is best known for its humorous lists and compilations, for example, "The 9 Most Obnoxious Memes to Ever Escape the Web" or "The 6 Most Insane Game Shows From Around the World." The Cracked site also includes a blog, videos, forums, a writer's workshop, a weekly Photoshop contest, and a daily "Craptions" contest where users caption odd photographs. The site includes columns by Sean "Seanbaby" Reiley, Dan O'Brien, Robert Brockway, Cody Johnston, Chris Bucholz, host and writer of the web series "Hate By Numbers" Wayne Gladstone, and head writer and performer of the sketch comedy group "Those Aren't Muskets!" Michael Swaim.
And now we've come to the point of this blog entry. (Yes, I have a point. Shocking, I know.) I previously stated that I am a self-proclaimed Cracked Addict, as I pointed out earlier I visit Cracked.com daily to read the new articles and humorous lists. Monday marked the return of an old favorite of mine: CrackedTV, hosted by Michael Swaim. Swaim and CrackedTV was on short hiatus due to Swaim's and Dan O'Brien's (henceforth "DOB") own spin-off series "Agents of Cracked." I highly recommend "Agents of Cracked" (henceforth "AOC"), you can check out the entire series here. I dare you to not become completely and utterly addicted to the series. Luckily for you Swaim and DOB have completed the entire AOC series and you can watch them all today in one sitting. I, on the other hand, was one of the unlucky fools who waited for every new weekday, salivating for the newest AOC episode. The episodes premiered, fans like me laughed and cried... and now AOC fans (including me) are demanding a second season. From the looks of the AOC facebook page where an online petition was started, that dream may become a reality. (Become a fan of AOC on facebook dammit, and while you're at it sign the petition.)
Anywho, Episode 24 of CrackedTV is Swaim's best episode yet, entitled "6 Oddly Specific (And Extensive) Online Collections of WTF." One of the awesome benefits of having a blog is that I can embed the video directly here (which I've done), so I won't give too much away. I'll just tell you that I was laughing so hard at #2 that tears were streaming down my face. #1 and Swaim's re-enactment of #1 also had me in giggling fits.
6 Oddly Specific (And Extensive) Online Collections of WTF -- powered by Cracked.com
Swaim has to be one of my top 2 favorite columnists on Cracked.com, the other being DOB, the Assistant Editor on Cracked.com. Every Friday DOB posts a new column, and, I guess he didn't want to be out-done by his no-holds barred partner Swaim, last week DOB posted his best column yet (in this Cracked Addict's humble opinion). Entitled Jersey Shore: Worst Thing to Happen to East Coast Since 9/11 which chronicles the new MTV show 'Jersey Shore,' which I liken to a trainwreck and a half. I myself have never watched the show, I've only seen the horrifying preview commercials and which always results in me groaning in agony for the state of our country. Luckily for me, in this column DOB has done all the work in watching the first 2 weeks of that terrible show and he catches his readers up to where 'Jersey Shore' finds itself currently. You'd better believe you should click on the link to DOB's article. If you don't, you're surely missing out on some of the funniest shit you'll have read in a long time.
Here's an excerpt (my favorite part from the column):
Sammi’s probably the most controversial person on the show. In the first week alone, it seemed like Sweetheart and the Situation were sweethearts, and a romantic situation seemed to be developing, but then Sweetheart decided to complicate Situation’s situation by starting anew situation with Ronnie, Sweetheart’s allegedly preferred sweetheart. When the Situation found out, the situation started to spin out of control, when The Situation started spinning out of control. The Situation stormed off, presumably, to take his mind off the situation by watching CNN’s The Situation Room alone in The Situation’s room. Meanwhile, Ronnie, Sweetheart’s sweetheart, and Sweetheart sat in the kitchen eating (in a perfect world) sweet tarts. [It's pretty simple, really, in a buffalo sort of way.]
So, next time you're looking for a way to further waste time online but you're tired of checking Hulu for the umpteenth time and Fark has no new snarky headlines to make you laugh... and even your good ol' standby LOLcats has no new cat memes for you to chuckle at and eye cuddle, check out Cracked.com. I'll bet you 100 bucks you can't spend less than 2 hours exploring the site, reading the articles and watching the videos. I'll make a fellow Cracked Addict out of you yet, my friend.
PS--DOB has his own blog, which I have listed in my "Blogs I Follow" section on the right-hand side of this page. His blog is called Bartender and he describes it as a place "used to strictly hold my stupid online novel, 'Bartender,' but now it'll function as more of a personal side-blog." His online novel "Bartender" is "still up and free and grammatically offensive," as DOB describes it. I've read a couple chapters and it is offensive... just the way I likes it. Take a peek at his blog and, maybe after I make you a Cracked Addict, I'll make a DOB fan out of you, too.
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